Thursday, 4 April 2013

Budget Balling - Staying In Bounds


It's a gas but only when you have enough to get by.

My post tonight is all about 'balling on a budget. There are a couple of videos and reviews out there already that're meant to teach you how to save money while indulging in paintball but I disagree with the typical "bring better accessories to enhance your rental experience" strategy. I'm more of a "make an educated investment and work the numbers angle" sort of guy.


Get some! No, seriously... Educate yourself fellow 'n00b's.

I can't tell you everything about how to set up your kit, simply because I'm not you. What I CAN tell you for sure are these details:

Proper Propellant:

Yup, this is the title of my last post but it fits here as well. Plain and simple, if you're going to play more than 3 days worth of paintball, high-pressure air is worth the starting investment. Remember folks, it isn't all about getting started soon, it's about getting started RIGHT. If you rush your first kit and buy something that doesn't work for you, or that doesn't have the durability to last then you've just wasted your money. Investing your money into HPA will ensure that you don't have to pay out every time that you want to 'ball just to load up your tank.

For more information on the advantages of HPA over CO2, you can read my post, Proper Propellants.

Masking Mistakes:

You can't shoot what you can't see... Well, a lucky ball might hit someone you couldn't see when you fired it... But that's not what I'm getting at.

A proper mask is going to make sure you don't... Or, well, do the best it can to make sure you don't get nailed by someone you missed due to an uncomfortable mask or a lessened range of vision. Now I'm not much of a mask aficionado but I CAN tell you what the best-rated masks on the market are right now. I'd like to remind you that buying used can always help keep costs low, but if you're like me you'll probably take a certain deal of pride in owning a brand new set of gear for your starter kit. Don't let this mentality destroy your wallet, but it's okay to start off with the strength and assurance of new equipment.
  1. Dye Invision Mask:
  2. VForce Profiler Mask:
  3. VForce Armour Mask:   
These reviews were not written by me... Rather obviously. Also, I haven't had the time to sift through all of the reviews but having by-far the most reviews, and ranking at or above a 9/10 these masks are the most likely to keep you satisfied and seeing the world as you need to see it.

Whippin' Up a Cyclone:

Cyclone feed technology... A boom for budget ballers.

Okay, so maybe I've got a marker-woody going for the A5's cyclone feed concept, but coming from my friends and professional contacts in the paintball community, the A5's cyclone feed is something damned-decent, especially when you've got cheap-to-reload HPA.

It's not the best deal when you're blasting through CO2 as CO2 suffers under rapid-fire and colder conditions but for HPA it's a perfect higher-speed feed system. The cyclone feed system uses propellant (CO2 or HPA) to rotate the cyclone feeding paddles. The paddles line up your paintballs so each shot advances a new round, preventing you from misfiring and just blowing air. You can look to the inserted image for the appearance and a basic visual explanation of how the cyclone feeder works. 

This will help to improve your game while keeping you on-budget by allowing for a higher, reliable fire rate but at the same time preventing you from having to buy an electronic feeding system. With your fire rate issues solved, here comes the next (and very logical) step to increasing your firepower...

Become a Pod Person:

This one's simple really. If you're in a firefight would you like to have more ammunition or less? Yeah, that's what I thought.

More ammo means more chances to headshot that bugger who's been trying to long ball your ass. More ammo means outlasting your opponent and forcing them into submission when they run dry. More ammo means more fun... Unless you're a mag-fed guy, but since this article is geared towards start-up ballers, ammunition is your friend.

You don't need to blow a massive wad of cash on a pod pack in order to keep your ammo on-hand, so don't get caught up with pricey, flashy packs right now. You can pick up a new, 4-pod + tank-holder pack for around $20-$30 CDN without sacrificing functionality. Remember to keep your goals simple, and in this case that just means bringing more ammunition to the field.


You will need to be a very determined shopper to get the best deals, but rest-assured that the deals ARE out there even if you shop brand-new from retailers.

I've had great luck in my search shopping with both and as both websites have fantastic pricing. If you're looking for a much more personal touch, contact for your needs. Their website allows you to place orders through PayPal which makes things much simpler when it comes time to order and honestly? Their customer service support is flawless.

A couple of things to remember when shopping at your local retailers thought folks, always carry the up-to-date pricing of other retailers with you, do as much shopping online as possible to research pricing and save time, and finally don't be afraid to make an attempt at haggling. For the most part there are mark-ups, and retailers know it. You can't demand the world, that's simply impolite and inconsiderate but you CAN ask what the best possible deal is based upon other retailers' pricing.

OH! If you want to know more about the A5, get any reviews on it etc, ask Nick Elie at Flagswipe Paintball ( about it. Please don't flood his inbox but serious inquiries? Absolutely. I've been working with Nick on getting a lot of this information for you guys he loves making sure that new ballers are properly informed.

Get it On! (Your gear that is):

Now it's time to look at getting your kit together. If you're not so sure about the sport, just go to a couple of "walk-ons welcome" fields, rent a marker and mask, and have some fun. If paintball's for you, look into getting your own kit asap. It's rough enough paying for paint, don't keep paying for your gear any longer than you have to.

That's everything I have for you tonight. Remember to keep your wits and wallets about you and as always...

Keep calm and throw paint!

Joshua J. Taylor - The 'n00b' Baller

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