Before I get into the bulk of this article I would like to offer my condolences to the families and friends of the two soldiers that we have lost this week to radicalized individuals. These were cowardly attacks against honourable men and it has saddened me greatly to be shown that there are such cruel and heartless people in this nation, and that they can act so senselessly and violently against people who have done them no harm. It is the commitment and good standing of these two men that I will remember going forward.
There is something else we must remember as a nation though, and this may be the most important point to note after these tragedies. Folks, we must remember who we are as Canadians, and not allow these acts to change who we are as a country, as a people, and as a culture. Canada has been a nation of peace, one to act with clear heads regarding issues at home and abroad, and although we are not one to shy away from a fight, we temper our combat capabilities with the good sense to know when violence is necessary and conversely, when it is not. We are not international cowboys, gallivanting around the globe with guns drawn in a Yosemite Sam fashion. We are not a nation prone to snap judgements and knee-jerk reactions of violence and heavy-handed responses. We must remember that these acts, however heinous, are the acts of individuals and NOT acts indicative of a larger ethnic or religious group. Yes, these men identified themselves as individuals who allied and associated themselves with extreme, and radical ideologies in line with some fringe interpretations of a particular culture and faith, but they are NOT part of a cultural majority, especially not here in Canada.
Undoubtedly we will struggle in the coming months, possibly years, to differentiate between radical Muslims and the peaceful majority as many of us are ignorant to the facts pertaining to the religion and its history, but that ignorance is not an excuse to make snap judgements and to discriminate against a people. In the wake of 9/11, as everyone will likely remember, people who presented as being of Middle Eastern descent were harassed and targeted because of the actions of a niche group, acting on the fringe of Islamic religious fundamentalism. Innocent men, women and children were attacked because of how they dressed, the religion they follow, and the colour of their skin. They were victims of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks as well, just in a different way. Much the same radioactive fallout can contaminate the area around a nuclear blast for decades following the detonation, the ripple effect of cultural discrimination affected, and continues to affect Muslims around the world.
I have always been extremely proud of Canada as a tolerant and welcoming nation. Unfortunately the freedom that we extend to our citizens and to those who choose to immigrate to Canada can lend itself to a state of vulnerability. It is important to remember however, that this vulnerability it rarely targeted, and that these latest attacks are the first since the FLQ kidnappings and bombings decades ago to bring terrorism to Canadian soil. Have there been reported plots? Sure there have, but there are always people seeking to attack nations the world over. Despite these plots, we have remained relatively untouched as a nation, with the exception of the attacks of the last week. We are not some feeble, vulnerable nation, though some of our domestic institutions are obviously in need of a security overhaul. We are a nation, the true north strong, and free, and we will continue to live on as a free and tolerant nation as long as we stay true to the values that we have lived by thus far.
So I ask you this, dear reader; stay the course. Do not allow these events to sway you towards a radicalism of your own. Do not allow these individuals to negatively colour your perception of Muslims or Islam as a whole, lest your actions serve to create a similarly negative perception of the religion (or lack thereof) that you identify with, or worse yet, of Canada as a nation. The day that we compromise as a nation on the values we've held dear for so long, those who conspire against us will have won.
Remember reader… Remember.
Joshua J. Taylor
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