Behind the Scenes:
Whether it was a vendor's table or a photographer's lens between them and the action there were people backing up this event from all sides.
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Photo Courtesy of Foxymama Photography Baller: Jay "Monk" Hebert of WCP Paintball |
One of the things that some ballers don't realize is just how much work goes into being a field photographer. Every time a 'camera jockey' comes out to an event they're risking hundreds, usually thousands of their own dollars in gear or potentially lost revenue and travel costs in order to make us look good and to be there in case we need us.
This article's all about these unsung heroes who help to make these events worthwhile and who keep driving business to our favourite fields. I should note that the images I'll be showcasing in this article will be almost exclusively material from the lens of Darlene St. Georges of Foxymama Photography however if I take an image from another source I will reference them in the caption. In case you didn't catch that, all photos are property of Darlene St. Georges / Foxymama Photography unless otherwise stated.
Okay, I jokingly referred to these action artists as 'camera jockeys' earlier but I need to stress the respect I have for them.
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Underground Rejects |
When I go on the field I'm risking my health only so far as a couple of scrapes, bruises and paintball welts. When PHOTOGRAPHERS go on the field they risk all of this and then hundreds, more typically thousands in high-end camera equipment in order to do what? Give us paintballers a way to tag ourselves on Facebook and capture our insane memories on film.
There are a number of photographers I've seen on the fields but two in particular have stood out to me and I'm proud to call each of them friends.
Darlene "Foxymama" St. Georges: Foxymama Photography
Foxy actually had a part in my very first paintball game ever.
I was gearing up to go on the field and fire my fire paintballs, shaking like a leaf, when Darlene came up to me and asked if I had any gloves to wear and I said not really and held up the $0.99, one-size
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Photo Credit: Unshakable Media |
fits all gloves from the Canadian Tire bargain bin and well, she wasn't having any of that. "Here ya go kiddo" she says to me as she hands me a pair of armoured, half-finger gloves so I wouldn't get my hands all blasted up my first time out.
It's not just her caring attitude that earned my respect, it's also that she does AMAZING work on the field even when she's injured and SHOULD be taking it easy on the sidelines... Yeah, but try telling HER that. I'm sure she'd walk through fire and brimstone to get to the paintball field and she'd even nab a few wicked pictures of her trip for good measure.

I hope to keep playing and keep earning space on Darlene's SD cards because she doesn't shoot anything less than what she thinks looks bang-on. That's not to say she's some elitist, she's just not another Joe-average taking a photo of their food and calling it art. She puts thought and effort into getting her shots and for that I'd like to extend a huge thanks to her.
Keep on shootin' Foxy!
Blake "Arson" Goshinmon: Match Strike Digital Productions
You COULD say this guy's on fire... But that would be a terrible pun.
Okay no, to clarify, Blake wasn't present at the Tour of Duty event on the weekend however he HAS been instrumental in helping me get paintball-involved and he's done anything in his power to help me find deals on gear, advice on dealing with my marker and well... The guy shoots some pretty mean material.
He manages his own small business in Match Strike Digital Productions and the work I've seen from him is nothing short of fantastic. He shoots all manner of subjects from bikini-clad models to paint-slinging backyard warrior types like myself but some of his best work has to be what I've seen of his speedball shoots. As a little exemplar I'd like to direct your attention to the following photo he shot and edited not too long ago.
I loved this shot the second I saw it, and Blake's got many more where this came from. Now his work involves a great deal of after-effect, editing and so-forth but I don't want ANYONE thinking it's all just smoke and mirrors. You need a proper foundation for any editing to be worthwhile and Blake's shots are always some choice cuts of meat.
Again I'm going to point out that no, Arson wasn't workin' it at the Tour of Duty weekend as he's a BC boy however he does good work and he supports Noobs like myself and that's good enough for me to give him a shout out.
Again folks, these guys an gals behind their cameras risk a LOT in setting foot on that field and they do it out of a combination of their love of the sport, a passion for photography, and a desire to help us look our best which goes towards making the sport look good. If it wasn't for them how would you prove that you gogged that guy that time? Or that you mercied the bunkered-down baller? And sure, sometimes they capture us getting our butts handed to us but that just means someone else got a wicked memory-maker photo so give these artists the respect they deserve.
Wrapping it Up Again:
Well folks we've come to that time once again... I'm exhausted, I've typed too much and I've yet to cover the vendors... Well I guess that makes this a trilogy doesn't it?
Be patient and round three'll be published before you know it! Until then...
Keep calm and throw paint!
I was here!