Yup, I'm working hard on getting my 'kit' together and I've contacted more than nine or ten different paintball gear supplies and I've managed to get responses from quite a few. Most have only been simple "I've received your message and we're working on your request" however Online Paintball replied to my inquiry and actually answered my questions within just a couple of hours of sending the first email, and on the Easter long-weekend Saturday no-less.
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Screenshot of the Online Paintball deal |
I should mention that, regardless of how the wheeling and dealing goes, Hero Army Surplus is run by a bunch of great people who've been of great help to my former high school's Remembrance Day ceremony, lending props and costumes for the theatrical presentations. They were always nice to me when I shopped for 'pizazz' pieces when I played laser tag (camo pants, neoprene masks etc) and when I was trying to set up a laser tag tournament they were great about their pricing on customized dog tags as prizes for the event (it never got off the ground but they were willing to wiggle on the pricing). Point being? Hero's a great place to shop, run by very understanding people. I'd recommend them
'00 Civic:
The header here might not make a whole lot of sense to you right now but stick with me and it'll make sense soon enough.
Do you know what 2012's 'Most Stolen Vehicle" was? The 2000 Honda Civic. Do you know why that car was targeted? Because it was simple, easy to maintain, and highly customizable. It's by this motto that I structure most purchases in my life.
Marketing visual Aid |
You see, I might be the 'n00b baller' but I'm an old pro when it comes to getting the most out of my effort, money, everything. If it can be spent on something, I know how to make the most out of it. The trick is knowing that to get the most of your money, you will need to balance reliability, ease of maintenance and the potential for adjustments and upgrades. In the case of a paintball marker, without blowing a massive wad of cash up-front, your best bet is most-likely the Tippmann A5.
The A5 comes highly-recommended from a number of ballers I've spoken with, as well as from review posted online. It's a chore trying to find anyone to speak ill of this marker and the worst that they can say about it is that it's a little on the heavier side, and that it isn't sniper-accurate... well, who would expect that level of accuracy from an unmodified, affordable marker? Precisely.
In any case, this little baby's gonna be mine soon enough. I've found (as I've mentioned numerous times) a TONNE of packages based off of this marker so all it comes down to now is price. I have to say though, that the package is about more than just the marker. You need to set yourself up for success and that means covering a couple of bases.
Are you joking? No, I'm kitting:
Sorry for the pun.. The HORRIBLE pun.
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Ex. 1 |
Your kit (in my opinion) is just as important to your success as your marker. Why? Because being able to carry extra ammunition, having a squeegee on hand in case you 'chop a ball' (coating the inside of your barrel with paint), and/or having a pair or armoured gloves to prevent 'dead hands' from a paintball hit will allow you to play to a higher level, or at the very least leave you with options.
Options are a HUGE advantage when you're in combat and it doesn't matter if that's legitimate military service or in a combat-sport like paintball. When you have options, that makes you dangerous and unpredictable and your opponent will have to deal with a wider range of tactics.
Pods and Pod Packs:
The picture says it all folks. If you're going into a match, and you can't carry any ammunition other than what's already in your hopper, you're going to be in for a short trip. The best part about playing paintball is actually throwing the paint, so having less ammunition means less fun... It also means that at any moment you could run out of balls, even in the midst of a firefight.
So, how do you lug more splattering power into a match? Pods and pod packs my friends. These are really simple pieces of equipment, much like a tactical belt or vest you'd see on a soldier, and some packs come with a holder for your propellant tank in order to take the weight off of your gun. If you're looking for one of these tank-holding packs, they're usually labelled as "X+1" or "X+Y+1" pod packs with X and Y just being stand ins for the number of pods held by the pack itself. The +1 designates that it holds your tank as well, and a lighter gun-hand means faster response times and that you'll have a better chance of putting rounds on target before your enemy does. So remember fellow n00bs, "If the only balls you've got are in your hopper... You're gonna have a bad time."
Oh, and yes, I made that meme on MemeGenerator.com... Credit to me for the testicular double entendre.
No, you won't need kevlar, ceramic plate or steel but simpel paintball armour can be extremely handy and many players swear by the benefits of having armour and padding. Not only will this protective gear help in preventing injuries suffered while throwing yourself around the battlefield, but soft armour can sometimes result in 'bouncing', where incoming fire simply deflects off of you rather than exploding.
Now it's not about the pain of being tagged (okay, sometimes it's about getting hit) but when it comes to elbow and knee pads/shin guards, these pieces actually help to improve your mobility. Picture if you can, diving or sliding into position behind a bunker and having nothing on to protect your knees, shins or elbows should you wind up diving into place. You're going to wind up with a first-class ticket to the first-aid tent with some dirt-stuffed gashes and your day's probably going to be ruined. So if you're the kind of person who's looking to go balls-to-the-wall with your 'balling, picking up some armour should be on your paintballing to-do list.
Gloves are also a great idea if you're conscientious about your comfort. Sure, your hands are a small part of your body, but if you're poking out to shoot at someone then your hands become a much bigger target as mostly everything else is behind cover (if you're doing it right). If you start getting smoked across the fingers, odds are that 1. you're gonna be in a fair bit of hurt and 2. that your 'combat effectiveness' is going to suffer A LOT.
Case-in-point, when you've got the money for it, armour's a great addition to any paintball kit.
Running on Empty:
Just wrapping this up as I've said pretty much everything there is to say but I wanted to point out that although I'm literally ABOUT to functionally enter the sport, I've received a lot of feedback from different people all hailing from different functions regarding paintball. I know people involved in the 'aftermarket' and customization fields, the beginner players, pro-sponsored teams and people who work for the fields.
I'm not an expert (hence the self-designated "n00b baller" title) but don't discount my reviews and suggestions folks, I'm trying to help my fellow n00bs.
That's all I have for today. I'll fill y'all in more when my shopping and wheeling and dealing makes some more headway. I appreciate you stopping by the blog and giving it a read and I hope you've enjoyed it. If you have, PLEASE share the link on Facebook, email it to your friends, follow the page... whatever you'd like but it really helps me out! Oh, and as always, remember...
Keep calm and throw paint!
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